Brands We Support

Unlock New Opportunities with

Enhance customer experiences, streamline operations, reduce costs, and boost revenue.

Investment Advice

Say goodbye to generic suggestions and embrace tailor-made solutions, providing clients with confidence in their financial decisions while scaling your advisory services effortlessly.

Loan Enquiry

Experience unmatched efficiency and transparency in loan inquiries, giving your customers the confidence to explore suitable loan options without any hassle.

Debt Collection

Witness increased debt recovery rates and faster resolution times, all while delivering a respectful and customer-centric experience.

Smart Settlements and Writeoffs

Benefit from higher response rates and increased debt resolution, all while building positive customer relationships.

Our Services

Make Informed Financial Decisions with AI-Driven Investment Advice

Rezo empowers NBFC enterprises to offer personalized investment advice to their clients with unmatched precision. Leveraging deep integration with LLMs, our AI agents analyze customer preferences, risk tolerance, and market trends. They provide tailored investment recommendations that align with individual goals, ensuring optimal portfolio diversification and long-term financial growth.

Streamlined Loan Enquiries with AI-Powered Efficiency

Rezo revolutionizes the loan enquiry process for NBFC enterprises. By integrating advanced AI capabilities, our virtual agents handle loan inquiries swiftly and accurately. They assess customer eligibility, provide real-time loan information, and guide applicants through the application process. Whether it's personal, home, or business loans, our AI agents ensure a seamless and customer-centric experience from start to finish.

Accelerate Debt Recovery with Smart Outbound Calls

Rezo's Engage AI transforms debt collection with its smart outbound calling system. Our AI-powered agents make targeted calls based on default and delinquency status, ensuring timely reminders to pre-delinquent customers and tactfully addressing early delinquency with applicable charges. Dynamic call scripts adapt to customer responses, maximizing the chances of debt recovery.

Fast-track Debt Resolution with Time-Based Offers and Discounts

Rezo revolutionizes debt resolution with strategic outbound calls. Our AI-powered agents reach out to customers with time-based offers, time extensions, and discounts on charges, incentivizing timely account closure and debt resolution. Dynamic call scripts personalize each interaction, ensuring customers feel valued and empowered to take positive actions.

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Don't Miss out on this Opportunity to Reshape your NBFC Operations

Experience the power of's innovative products and data-driven analytics to deliver exceptional customer service, optimize workflows, reduce costs, and unlock new revenue opportunities.

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